Tuesday, June 29, 2010

things happen for a reason... just believe ♥

Time goes, never stops, it runs, and life goes on.

It has been three months since the last time we had a direct talk. Three months of still wishing, dreaming and thinking. I am not afraid to tell you that I love you coz I know you feel the same way too. But this is not yet our time.....

I'm sorry for I still get sad every time I miss you. Though, you told me to just close my eyes and feel your presence.. It's no more enough..

When am I going to see you again? I really want to see you yet I am truly, incredibly afraid of what will happen then :( coz I don't wanna get hurt or others to get hurt..

I try my very best to move on, but it's taking me a hard time.. maybe it's because our love story has never come to an end yet, our love story still continues and goes on...

Time runs, life goes on, but only one thing stays the same: memory. Our bittersweet memories that I've collected since then - forever I will treasure.♥

---this is not about me, okay? i wrote this simply because I'm inspired to write about certain things that time. simply created by my imaginative mind, no more, no less. ;)

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